Infrastructure Committee
Taylor Dawson, 2024 Committee Chair
Civil Engineer, Pape-Dawson Engineers
Cacie Madrid, Program Vice President
Vice President, Public Policy, Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
The Infrastructure Committee works to identify thoughtful policy and strategic infrastructure investments focused on everything from transportation, mobility, and online connectivity to energy and natural resources. The committee seeks to identify solutions and financing mechanisms for critical infrastructure projects essential to San Antonio businesses. The Chamber’s Infrastructure Committee actively supports initiatives that will improve and grow the Infrastructure of the San Antonio business community and quality of life for San Antonio residents, including but not limited to:
- Funding and resources to bridge the digital divide in the San Antonio & Bexar County Community
- VIA Metropolitan Transit (VIA) seeking a New Starts rating for its Advanced Rapid Transit (ART) North/South Corridor Project
- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) Grant Application for completion of the 4.7 mile Zarzamora Creek segment of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System
- San Pedro Creek and Westside Creeks Restoration Project